PHPStorm Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Ctrl + Tab Show switcher
Ctrl + E Show last files
Alt + R Recent projects dialog
Ctrl + Shift + E Show recent locations
Ctrl + Space Show hinting dialog
Alt + Enter Show intention actions
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Complete current statement
Ctrl + J Show available live templates
Ctrl + Shift + V Select to paste from clipboards
Alt + Click Multiple cursors
Ctrl + Alt + S Open settings
Ctrl + Ctrl Run anything
Shift + F10 Run current configuration
Alt + Shift + F10 Run configuration dialog
Alt + S New scratch file
Alt + Home + Alt + Insert New file in specified location
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C Copy reference
Shift + F4 Close other tabs
Alt + Left Move to previous tab
Alt + Right Move to next tab
Ctrl + , Split vertically
Ctrl + Shift + , Remove split
Search / Replace
Shift + Shift Search everywhere
Ctrl + Shift + A Find action
Ctrl + N Find class
Ctrl + Shift + N Find file
Ctrl + F Find in file
Ctrl + Shift + F Find globally
Ctrl + R Replace in file
Ctrl + Shift + R Replace globally
Ctrl + Shift + F7 Highlight usages in this file
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I Run inspection by name
Ctrl + B Show declaration / usage
Ctrl + Alt + B Show implementation(s)
Ctrl + Shift + I Show type declaration
Ctrl + F1 Show file structure
Ctrl + H Show type hierarchy
Ctrl + Alt + H Show method hierarchy
Ctrl + Shift + H Show call hierarchy
Ctrl + Shift + I Show quick definition
Ctrl + Q Show quick documentation
Ctrl + P Show parameter info
Shift + F1 Show documentation on
Ctrl + Alt + R Show refactor dialog
Ctrl + Alt + V Extract variable
Ctrl + Alt + C Extract constant
Ctrl + Alt + P Extract parameter
Ctrl + Alt + F Extract field
Ctrl + Alt + M Extract method
F6 Move
Shift + F6 Rename
Ctrl + Alt + T Surround with dialog
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Unwrap
Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle case
Ctrl + Alt + Right Next edit location
Ctrl + Alt + Left Previous edit location
Ctrl + G Go to line : column
Ctrl + Right Move caret to next word
Ctrl + Left Move caret to previous word
Ctrl + Shift + Up Move line or selection up
Ctrl + Shift + Down Move line or selection down
Alt + Down Next method
Alt + Up Previous method
F2 Next error
Shift + F2 Previous error
Ctrl + Shift + M Move between matching braces
Ctrl + [ Move to block start
Ctrl + ] Move to block end
Ctrl + Alt + Page Up Clone caret above
Ctrl + Alt + Page Down Clone caret below
Ctrl + Home Go to the start of file
Ctrl + End Go to the end of file
Ctrl + Alt + W Select line at caret
Ctrl + W Extend selection
Ctrl + Shift + W Shrink selection
Ctrl + Shift + O Select all occurrences
Alt + J Add selection for next occurrence
Ctrl + Shift + Left Add previous word to selection
Ctrl + Shift + Right Add next word to selection
Ctrl + Alt + Up Previous highlighted occurrence
Ctrl + Alt + Down Next highlighted occurrence
Shift + Home Select all to the start of line
Shift + End Select all to the end of line
Alt + / Cyclic expand word from next
Shift + Alt + / Cyclic expand word from previous
Ctrl + Shift + [ Move to block start with selection
Ctrl + Shift + ] Move to block end with selection
Alt + Shift + [ Move caret backwards a paragraph with selection
Ctrl + Shift + ] Move caret forwards a paragraph with selection
Alt + H Highlight current scope
Alt + F1 Select In dialog
Alt + Insert Generate code dialog
Ctrl + O Override method
Ctrl + I Implement method
Alt + L Reformat code
Alt + Shift + L Reformat code dialog
Ctrl + Alt + I Auto-indent line or selection
Ctrl + D Duplicate line or selection
Ctrl + Shift + D Duplicate whole line
Ctrl + Y Delete line at caret
Ctrl + Shift + Y Delete to the line end
Ctrl + Backspace Delete previous word
Ctrl + Enter Split string to next line
Ctrl + Shift + J Join lines
Shift + Enter Start new line
Ctrl + / Comment line or selection
Ctrl + = Expand
Ctrl + - Collapse
Alt + F1 Show tools dialog
Alt + 0 Terminal
Alt + 1 Project
Alt + 2 Project
Alt + 3 File structure
Alt + 4 Run
Alt + 5 Debug
Alt + 6 Problems
Alt + 7 Remote host
Alt + 8 Pull requests
Alt + 9 Version control
Alt + W Hide all active windows
Shift + Escape Hide active tool
Ctrl + Shift + Q Start SSH session
Alt + ` Show operations dialog
Ctrl + Shift + ` Show branches dialog
Ctrl + L Local history
Ctrl + Shift + L Local history for selection
Ctrl + T Update project
Ctrl + K Commit
Ctrl + Shift + K Push
Ctrl + Alt + A Add
Ctrl + Alt + Z Revert
Alt + Shift + S Stash changes
Alt + Shift + U Unstash changes